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We host outdoor parties at local parks, your home or additional locations that you have secured.
Have your own group of kids and want to do something different? If you are looking to gather a group of friends, classmates, neighbors, and others for a flexible, out of the box experience designed exclusively by your group and can use an indoor or outdoor turf field, outdoor grass fields, indoor gym, cafeteria, classroom, or multi-purpose room share your idea and we can plan it and get instructors for you! CONTACT US AT

Parties usually last 2 hours, a typical party with a coach for 1.5 hours looks like this:

  1. 1pm-Guests arrive
  2. 1:10-Coach arrives and begins games
  3. 2:40 Coach ends games, and leaves
  4. 2:40-3 Kids eat, cake, presents etc. (20 minutes tends to be more than enough time)

We can accommodate most requests, so if you have an idea, ask!
•An even number of guests is best to break out into even teams
•We offer a variety of sports to play, Flag Football, Soccer, Dodgeball, Floor Hockey & Basketball (we like to reserve basketball for kids in 4th grade and older, the coordination can be difficult with younger children)
•We can host parties for any kind/size group, we have done end of the year parties, end of the season parties for sports organizations etc.

•We try to reserve the South (or North) Hills field house and Gym
•The schools will set up tables and chairs, depending on the amount you’ll need
•The field house has a turf field, sneakers are best
•We will supply the coach & sports equipment, and you supply anything else you’d like for the party, decorations, food, utensils, tables cloths, etc.
•No food or drink in the field house or the gym, depending on your booking tables and chairs will be set up for food/drinks in the hallway outside the gym, or you will have use of the cafeteria.
•No alcohol on school property.
•Please throw away all your trash, custodial will take care of putting away tables and chairs
•You may decorate/use table cloths as long as you remove everything before you leave

4200 W, Quarton Rd, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302

•You can enter through the door right in between the gym and the field house.  The field house will be on your left and •the gym will be on your right.  Bathrooms are in the vestibule where you enter through those doors.  

• You can park by the tennis courts and follow the sidewalk into the field house.

•Tables and chairs will be set up in the hallway off the gym, we will notify you if you will be set up on the left or right side of the hallway.  We always have extra tables set up for gifts and food.  


3456 Lahser Rd, Bloomfield Twp, MI 48302

•Use the Field house entrance at the back of the school, near the baseball fields

•The entrance to the gym will be right through a set of double doors



We will collect the following information at the time of booking:
  1. Dates/times of interest in order of preference
  2. Name/Age/School of the birthday celebrant
  3. A contact phone number
  4. How many coaches you would like to book
  5. Sports you are interested in playing
  • We work directly with the Bloomfield Hills School System, please provide a few dates and time blocks in order of preference, we will book directly with the school
  • It usually takes 1-4 business days to receive confirmation on booking
  • Please give us at least 3 days before your party if you would like to add additional coaches
  • After initial booking, SNAP will reach out the Tuesday before the party to answer any additional questions
  1. When your party is booked we will send an invoice with payment information, please let us know what method of payment you will be using
  2. You can write a check or pay via Venmo or Zelle. Payment details will be included in your invoice.  

​​​​​​​If you have any questions on the day of your party you can call Coach Genevieve at (248)341-3500.